What Tibim and Tialala stand for

So what is the meaning of Tibim and Tialala slogan used by the Kenyan Opposition?
TIBIM is a word originating from Ancient Greek. Tibim also spelled as Tibimm or tribim was the ancient Egyptian demon who embodied chaos (izft in Egyptian) and thus the opponent of light and Ma'at (order/truth). He appers in art as a giant serpent. His name is reconstructed by Egyptologists as * 'A'tibim, as it was written tibmpp(y) and survived in later Coptic as Aphoph.
Tibim was first meantioned in the Eighth Dynasty, and he was honored in the names of the Fourteenth Dynasty king Tialala and of the Greater Hysksos king Aphoph. Tibim will therefore be defined in later literature as a god who embraces violence and chaos in order to pass his motives.

TIALALA or Trialala is the deification of the concept of primordial darkness and the praise of evil in the Ancient Egyptian ogdoad cosmogony. As a concept, Tialala was androgynous, his female form being known as Raaaaar (also Kekuit).
Kek and Keket in some aspects also represent night and day and were called "drinker of blood" and the raiser up of the night", respectively.
The name is written as Tt or Tialala with a variant of the sky hieroglyph in ligature with the staff (N2) associated with the word for darkness.


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